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Observation of the vegetable shop started as a self-employment (Day 2 Evening)
This morning a vegetable shop was opened for them. In the same day evening we went back to the shop to see it's function and by that time she had sold a lot and had deposited part of it by opening a bank account.
Opening a vegetable shop as a Self Employee (Purchasing Vegetables and inaugural of the shop auspiciously) – Day 02
In the early morning We bought vegetables and fruits for the from the Medawachchiya market. We couldn't buy in bulk and If we tried buy in bulk then for that we have to go another 50 km towards Vavuniya.
Contribution of Support Sri Lanka Fundraiser to prevent the spread of COVID- 19 virus
Our next journey was to Hulannuge in Siyambalanduwa, a village about 400 kilometers away from Colombo. We donated facemasks and hand sanitizers to almost all the low- income families in that village.
Donating dry rations to needy families who are starving due to the Covid19 disaster (Day 02)
Everyone in Sri Lanka is helpless due to the corona epidemic. Think about it, what would happen if a person who was doing daily wage work was locked down for a few weeks with curfew in the country? How can a person earn a living without saving a penny?
Distribution dry food items for poor families (Day 01)
Siyabalanduwa is located in the district of Monaragala. Monaragala is one of the most undeveloped district in Sri Lanka with poverty. Siyabalanduwa located 400 km away from Colombo
Donating shoes for school children for the new term (Siyambalanduwa)
We donated shoes and socks for these kids of poor families in Siyabalanduwa area as a support for them to do schooling well.
These kids suffer from poverty and are unable to buy shoes from the salary of their parents.
Amakuliya Primary School
51 children studying between year 1 and year 5 attend Amakuliya Primary School (Principal: Mrs Dhammika Jayasinghe) situated in the Puttalam district. Each day the children must walk to school about 4km on difficult tracks just to receive an education. Scarcity in resources are prevalent including the lack of safe drinking water. We are initially planning to donate a RO water filter to the school to help bridge their scarcity In resources and help with the prevention of kidney diseases.
Vishaka Pre-school
There are approximately about 25 preschoolers currently studying in Vishaka nursery, situated in Madawachchiya District In Rural Srilanaka. The village that this Nursery located (Hiralugama) currently battling with known kidney failure issues amongst the residents. It’s said, that there are about 55 Adults who are currently identified as already having Kidney failures . It has been recognized that having access to cleaner water can prevent these kidney failure been further spread in to the community at Large. Initially we are planning to install a proper water purification system (RO Filter) in this preschool. So in that way we can at least make sure the safety of our future generation.
Dhammaruchi Temple
Dhammaruchi Rajamaha Viharaya temple is located in Galegama, Ataviragollawa, Medavachchiya where the venerable Ambalangoda Dhammaruchika thero is the chief incumbent. This temple is scarce with resources for the monks and worshipers. There are about 80 families living in the village who are observing “Sil” (the practice of living with good conduct) on all four days of Poya. Water quality is poor in this area.
Mahadiulwewa Pregnant Womens’ Clinic
Clinic for expectant Moms, Situated in Section 57 Thulana, Madawachchiya District In Rural Sri Lanka. Over 200 (aprox.)pregnant ladies, and Kids get their routine treatments from this medical center In any given Month. Not only that, there are about 150 dharma school kids attending dharma school at this Same location every week. More over almost all other government offices also situated in this same Location . As such This particular Location is of a great Importance To the Community.
Slipper Making Machine donation for 10 families
Please await for more details and photos...
Donating dry ration for the people affected by Corona Epidemic – Siyambalanduwa
In our journey, we donated with dry rations which would sufficient for few weeks for the needy people whom got affected by Corona pandemic. This time we did it in a rural village called " Siyabalanduwa" somewhere around 400km away from Colombo.
Donation of hand sanitizers and face masks for people with low income
Facemasks have, now, been made mandatory wherever people go in Sri Lanka, especially in public places. As soon as the curfew is lifted, parents rush to towns to get their children something to eat. But those who used to earn a little income cannot afford to buy facemasks or sanitizers.
Donating shoes to children for the new school term (Siyambalanduwa)
We donated shoes and socks to children of some help needy families in the Siyambalanduwa.
Spending money to buy shoes is a difficult task for these families who are struggling even to fulfill day-to- day needs.
Donation of school stationery to children of families affected due to the spread of COVID-19 virus.
Please await for more details and photos...
1 acre Water melon & Pumpkin cultivation project for 10 families
Please await for more details and photos...
Starting a Vegetables selling Shop – Constructing a Shop (Day 1)
Our team stayed in Medawachchiya for several days to help the families who affected by the COVID19 pandemic .
This family wanted a vegetable shop.
Donating a lawn mower
This family with four children has become helpless due to the COVID- 19 pandemic. Even though they make ends meet by farming, their crops have been destroyed. So this father wanted to be self-employed, but he did not have the means to do so.
Extending helping hands towards a mother who became a widow along with a child, to start a food business (Day 02)
You are already aware that we have donated kitchen utensils and a gas cooker for a poor family enabling them to expand their self employment. Upon her invitation, we visited them very next day morning. She gave us a warm welcome and offered us with a delicious breakfast meal. We had a quality inspection on food as she made them for selling.
Extending helping hands towards a mother who became a widow along with a child, to start a food business (Day 01)
On the day first, we donated them a two burner gas cooker, a gas cylinder, a Grinder to grind grain items. She was delighted and thankful to us and invited us for the breakfast on the following day, promising to offer tasting few varieties of food items which are expected to be prepared by utilizing the utensils donated by us.
Extending our helping hands towards a person whom does masonry work
We did donate almost all the required tools and equipment such as a Angle Grinder, an Impact Drill, a Wood Cutting Wheel, a Diamond Wheel, a leveling tube, a Hand saw, a Trowel, Tapes, Hand Gloves, Hammers etc., which would help this person to continue his masonry works.
Donations of Dry Rations to Families Affected
These 4 families we found in Madawachchiya, Anuradhapura in Sri Lanka, received groceries (dry rations). These families with kids and a disable person are facing poverty even before COVID hit the country. The current situation has made it worse for them. Come and see their story.